Ph.D. Alumni in HEAL

Jakobina Arch

Jakobina Arch

Bringing Whales Ashore: Oceans and the Environment of Early Modern Japan, 1600-1900

A young woman with shoulder-length wavy black hair wears a gauzy cream blouse in front of a background of hazy mountains, smiling with her mouth slightly open and holding a black purse on her shoulder.

Wenjiao Cai

... Read more about Wenjiao Cai
Javier Cha

Javier Cha

The Civilizing Project in Medieval Korea: Neo-Classicism, Nativism, and Figurations of Power

2017 Carter Eckert HEAL Korea

Yaejin Cho

Governing Modernity and Everyday Life in Colonial Korea
Craig Colbeck

Craig Colbeck

From the Brothel, to the body: the Relocation of Male Sexuality in Japan's Prostitution Debate, 1870-1920

Red block with white text reading "2020. HEAL/China - Inner Asia . Mark Elliott."

Devin Fitzgerald

The Ming Open Archive and the Global Reading of Early Modern China
Red block with white text reading "2020, HEAL/Korea, Sun Joo Kim"

Philip Gant

Taking Refuge in the Law: Monastic Litigation and a New History of Buddhism in Chosŏn Korea (1392-1910)
A thumbnail with white text on a dark red background reading "2019, HEAL/Japan, David Howell

Amin Ghadimi

Disorder and the Japanese Revolution, 1871-1877

A thumbnail with white text on a dark red background reading "2019, HEAL/Japan, David Howell

Ryan Glasnovich

Return to the Sword: Martial Identity and the Modern Transformation of the Japanese Police

Hansun Hsiung

Hansun Hsiung

Republic of Letters, Empire of Textbooks: Globalizing Western Knowledge, 1790-1895

White text on a red background reading "2021. HEAL/China. Mark Elliott."

Rui Hua

Peasants Versus Empires: Transnational Civil Justice and National Legal Decolonization in Manchuria, 1881-1951