2014 Ph.D.s

Jakobina Arch

Jakobina Arch

Bringing Whales Ashore: Oceans and the Environment of Early Modern Japan, 1600-1900

Javier Cha

Javier Cha

The Civilizing Project in Medieval Korea: Neo-Classicism, Nativism, and Figurations of Power

Jung Ja Choi

Jung Ja Choi

Writing Herself: Resistance, Rebellion, and revolution in Korean Women's Lyric Poetry, 1925-2012

Martin Kroher

Martin Kroher

“With Malice Toward None” to “A House Divided”: The Impact of Changing Perceptions of Ritual and Sincerity on Elite Social Cohesion and Political Culture in...

Read more about Martin Kroher
Benjamin Levey

Benjamin Levey

Jungar Refugees and the Making of Empire on Qing China's Kazakh Frontier,  1759-1773

Ren-yuan Li

Ren-yuan Li

Making Texts in Chinese Villages: Textual Production in Rural China During the Ming-Qing Period

Max Oidtmann

Max Oidtmann

Between Patron and Priest: Amdo Tibet Under Qing Rule, 1792-1911

Victor Seow

Victor Seow

Carbon Technocracy: East Asian Energy Regimes and the Industrial Modern, 1900-1957

David Shuster

David Shuster

(formerly known as Dmitry Mironenko)
A Jester with Chameleon Faces: Laughter and Comedy in North Korea, 1953-1969

Yang Wei

Yang Wei

Popular Opinion and Public Reasoning: Intellectual Changes and Institutional Innovations in Late Ming China (1580s-1640s)

Jungmin Yoo

Jungmin Yoo

Materiality and Writing: Circulation of Texts, Reading and Reception, and Production of Literature in Late 18th-century Korea

Jennifer Yum

Jennifer Yum

In Sickness and Health: Americans and Psychiatry in Korea, 1950-1962

Yingzhi Zhao

Yingzhi Zhao

Realm of Shadows and Dreams: Theatrical and Fiction in Early Qing Literature