2012 Ph.D.s

Craig Colbeck

Craig Colbeck

From the Brothel, to the body: the Relocation of Male Sexuality in Japan's Prostitution Debate, 1870-1920

William Hedberg

William Hedberg

Locating China in Time and Space: Engagement with Chinese Vernacular Fiction in Eighteenth-Century Japan

Motokazu Matsutani

Motokazu Matsutani

Church over Nation: Christian Missionaries and  Korean Christians in Colonial Korea

Andrew Rodekohr

Andrew Rodekohr

Conjuring the Masses: The Figure of the Crowd in Modern Chinese Literature and Visual Culture

Jonathan Schlessinger

Jonathan Schlessinger

The Qing Invention of Nature:Environment and Identity in Northeast China and Mongolia 1750-1850

Jonathan Service

Jonathan Service

Orchestrating Modernity, Singing the Self: Theories of Music in Meiji and Taisho Japan

Kristin Williams

Kristin Williams

Visualizing the Child: Japanese Children’s Literature in the Age of Woodblock Print, 1678-1888

Hui Zhao

Hui Zhao

Rethinking Constitutionalism in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century China