Graduate Liaison Committee

The primary goal of this committee is to facilitate communication between faculty, staff, and graduate students beyond the regularly held town halls. By offering representation and advocacy for different voices within the graduate student body, the committee presents the department with the opinions of graduate students on issues that directly affect their academic and professional interests and well-being. The committee can hold the department accountable when issues arise without fear of retaliation.

As an incentive to volunteer, graduate students will have the position officially recognized as a form of service to the department that can be included on their CV.

The GLC meets at least once a semester in order to provide a forum for discussing the concerns, issues, ideas, and initiatives of graduate students. These ideas are presented to the Chair and the DGS at the town halls and on a regular basis. The committee ensures that discussions and resulting actions are documented and distributed to the student body. Two members of the committee regularly meet with the Chair and the DGS, attend the EALC department meetings, and subsequently report to the graduate students about their proceedings. All graduate students can contact the GLC at any time with questions, concerns, or suggestions. They are, of course, also encouraged to directly contact faculty members, the DGS, and the Chair. Information on current members of the GLC will be made available at the start of each academic year.

The GLC consists of six graduate students representing regional and disciplinary diversity, gender parity, and different G years. GLC members volunteer to serve; if more than six volunteer, elections will be held. GLC members vote for a chair and a vice-chair, whose responsibilities include leading meetings, deciding on representatives who will attend department meetings, and disseminating information to the graduate student body.


To contact the EALC Graduate Liaison Committe, please email,

or fill out our Anonymous Response Form Here.


Graduate Liaison Committee members for academic year 2022-23:

Yufan Chen 

Kassandra Diaz

Peng Hai

Henry Jacobs

Benjamin Landauer

Annie Zhanling Wang