XIII. Forms and Checklists

List of Forms

Petition for Extension of Time for an Incomplete Grade


- Note: Students who would like to transfer Harvard Summer School Credits to their record should use the above form as well.

Request for Transfer of Harvard Summer School Transcript to the Registrar’s Office

Petition for the General Examination

Application for Traveling Scholar Status

Application for Leave of Absence

Application for Readmission for Degree

Completion of Degree Statement

You may obtain unlinked forms directly from the Graduate Program Coordinator.


PhD submission checklist

The Registrar’s Academic Year 2023-2024 deadlines for submitting the dissertation, the signed Dissertation Acceptance Certificate and the various surveys are:

September 6, 2023 for a November 14, 2023 degree

January 23, 2024 for a March 5, 2024 degree

May 9, 2021 for a May 23, 2024 degree

The following must be submitted, electronically, to the Registrar's Office, 4th floor, Smith Campus Center, by the appropriate due date: 

__ One electronic copy of dissertation.

__ The signed Dissertation Acceptance Certificate (DAC)

___ An electronic copy for the DAC added to the electronic copy of the dissertation. This certificate must be typed and must match the dissertation title page exactly. The Graduate Program Coordinator will prepare this certificate.

__ Survey forms

The abstract, not more than a page and a half double-spaced, should be included in  the dissertation immediately following the page containing notice of copyright.  Dissertation title, student's name, and dissertation advisor's name should appear on the abstract.

In addition to these items, students are to submit to the department:

__ One bound copy of the dissertation (the bindery will print two copies, one of which will be sent to the department)

__ The Completion of Degree Statement